Due to COVID-19, the SVTC is suspending all in-person meetings, but will have occasional meetings online, with notice given on this website. Your input is always welcome at any of the Sorrento Valley Town Council meetings. Please join us! The meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month (excluding December and July) at 7 pm. We'll be discussing the latest news from your neighborhood, plus any topics you'd like to talk about! Please check the website for the meeting location.
VOLUNTEERWhether you have a lot of time or just an hour here and there, we can use your help. From volunteering to help rid the neighborhood of weeds and trash to organizing events for the Sorrento Valley neighborhood, there are a lot of tasks we need volunteers for.
BECOME A MEMBERA large SVTC membership will help give Sorrento Valley Town Council clout when dealing with City government and planning groups. Our small membership fees are tax deductible and will go to pay for day-to-day business expenses. Each person on the SVTC Board is a volunteer and does not get paid.
DONATEAll donations are used for the good or our neighborhood and for day-to-day business expenses. Each person on the SVTC Board is a volunteer and does not get paid.